R. Cassinis

Riccardo Cassinis

Department of Information Engineering

University of Brescia

Via Branze 38
I-25123 Brescia (Italy)


Phone: +39 030 3715453
Secretary: +39 030 3715469
Cell: +39 328 0750952
Fax: +39 030 380014
E-mail: riccardo.cassinis@icloud.com

Riccardo Cassinis was born in Milan, Italy, in 1952.

He graduated in Electrical Engineering in 1977 at Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis on SUPERSIGMA robot control system, that was the first application of a multi-microprocessor system to the control of an industrial robot.

Since his graduation, he has been with the Department of Electronics of the Politecnico di Milano, starting as a Fellow (1977), Assistant Professor (1979), Senior Research Associate (1981). In November, 1987 he was appointed Associate Professor of Robotics and of Numerical Systems Design at the University of Udine (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science). Since November, 1991 he is Associate Professor of Computer Science and of Robotics at the Department of Electronics for Automation (now Department of Information Engineering) of the University of Brescia. He has been founder and director of the Robotics Laboratory of the Department of Electronics in Milan, of the Robotics Laboratory of the University of Udine, and is now director of the Advanced Robotics Laboratory (ARL) of the University of Brescia.


His research work started in 1975, with the design and the realisation of the control system of the experimental SUPERSIGMA robot, which was the first application of a multi-microprocessor system to control an industrial robot. The result of this activity was an extremely flexible and cost-effective system.

After the completion of SUPERSIGMA control system, he has mainly worked on robot sensing systems and has been concerned with the design of integrated multirobot systems and of their programming systems.

He was also involved in several other researches in the field of robotics, among which vision systems, robot programming languages, etc.

Since 1987 he has started a research program on autonomous mobile robots, that concentrates on three main topics: control system architectures, sensor planning and data fusion, and trajectory planning.

His research activity is now particularly oriented towards the study of systems for visual control of robot trajectories, and of swarms of robots to be used in open field applications, and particularly for landmines detection.


He is currently teaching Computer Science Fundamentals and Robotics within the degree course of Electrical Engineering at the University of Brescia.

His past educational activity includes classes on Automatic Controls, Electronic Computers, Discrete Systems Design, Programming Languages, etc.

He has been involved in several other educational activities, among which lectures and seminars on Robotics, Computers and related topics. He has also taught lessons in several advanced courses on Microcomputers, Robotics and Industrial Automation.


He has been a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal "Digital Systems for Industrial Automation".
He is a member of several European Community Committees and working groups that work on robotics.
He has served as Programme Chairman of EUROBOT '96, 1st EUROMICRO Workshop on Advanced Mobile Robots (Kaiserslautern, Germany, 1996), and as General Chairman of EUROBOT '97, 2nd EUROMICRO Workshop on Advanced Mobile Robots (Brescia, Italy, 1997).
He has served in the Board of Governors of the University of Brescia.

He currently manages the Information Services and the Computer Labs of the Department.


For the work on SUPERSIGMA Robot, he was awarded first place in the 1981 Eurocitema contest, which awarded the best application of mini and microcomputers to robotics done by European citizens under the age of 30.


Prof. Cassinis most significant papers are listed in the ARL web site. Click here for a list.


Prof. Cassinis personal homepage can be found here.